Published : 2024-07-31

Why Synodality?


The Church is the cultural memory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She always has a time-historical dimension and therefore the theology of the signs of the times is to interpret significant events of the present in the light of the Gospel. With Vatican II came the era of the universal Church and the approaching end of the dominance of European Christianity. In this context, the synodal Church can and should present models for realizing herself globally. We do not know if and when the synodal process will bring with it a different Church order, but the existing system no longer works. Synodality does not primarily mean the decision-making process or constitutional structure of the Church, but rather a guiding idea or model of how the mission of God’s people in their journey through history should be lived and understood, the historical expression of universal communion. The lack of synodality is a crucial indicator of the Church’s lack of credibility. In the synodal process, the episcopal principle must guarantee the binding nature of the relevant learning processes and synodality remains open. The relationship between episcopacy and synodality is marked by constant tension and the challenge flowing from it is the only guarantee of balancing it. Synodality is therefore not a ready-made patent, but it can initiate and trigger action, thinking in the Church and with the whole world and lead to the emergence of the necessary charisms.


synodality, the Church, signs of the times, progress, tradition





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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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