Submission Preparation Checklist

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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submitted manuscript is an original work.
  • The submitted manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • The manuscript adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the section Author Guidelines (
  • There is no ghostwriting or guest authorship.
  • ATTENTION: The submitted manuscript is intended for publication in the fascicle... [please provide the number and the title of the proposed fascicle in the field "Comments for the Editor" below]
Author Guidelines
Privacy Statement

Author Guidelines

When submitting a text for publication, the author can indicate which theological subdiscipline he or she wishes to include it in. Thus, the internal division of the volume may reflect the theological subdisciplines in which the published articles fall.


All material to be published by the journal Roczniki Teologiczne must be submitted via the OJS. For each submission, please suggest a theological discipline/name of the fascicle in which you prefer to publish your text (in the field “Comments for the Editor”).

  1. The submitted manuscript (ca. 35,000 characters with spaces) must be original, i.e. it has not been published or it is it not being considered for publication elsewhere.
  2. We accept scholarly texts that are citable and subject to review: scientific articles (original scientific article, literature review article, study report, case study) and review articles (scholarly reviews).
  3. The manuscript should include the following obligatory elements:
  • Author’s given name(s) and surname
  • Polish title
  • English title
  • Abstract in English (ca. 150 words)
  • Keywords in English (max. 5)
  • Main content
  • Bibliography
  • Polish title
  • Abstract in Polish (ca. 150 words)
  • Keywords in Polish (max. 5)
  • Author information: given name(s) and surname, academic degree or title, affiliation (university, institute, department/chair), exact address, address for correspondence, telephone number and e-mail.
  1. The abstract must address the main criteria applicable to the manuscript. It should include the object and aim of the research plus a justification of the undertaken topic. It should specify the methodology used and explain the individual research stages, which define the structure of the manuscript. The concluding section of the abstract should provide the Author’s conclusions. It should be written clearly to allow a potential reader to assess the usefulness of the article for his or her purposes. The abstract must not exceed 500 characters (with spaces), and it should list keywords, which can be single words or two- or three-word phrases, pertinent to the topic of the manuscript. A maximum of six terms (phrases) is allowed.

When preparing an abstract, make sure it is:

  • not identical with the summary submitted to the Publisher before the manuscript was qualified (accepted) for editorial process;
  • not identical with any fragment of the introduction or the “Conclusions” section;
  • not a collection of statements that discuss the issue presented in the article.
  1. Formatting should be kept to a minimum:
    1. .doc, .docx., or rtf. formats
    2. Times New Roman type
    3. Main body: 12 pts, 1.5 spacing, 2.5 cm margins
    4. In English manuscripts, the footnote identifier (superscript number in main text) follows a punctuation mark (typically comma or full stop, but some exceptions apply). In Polish and some other languages this is the opposite.
    5. Footnotes: use 10-point type, single spaced.
    6. Footnotes end in a full stop.
    7. Please, divide your text into titled sections; titles should have Arabic numbers and be left-aligned.
    8. Quotations should be enclosed in quotation marks (straight type, not italics).
    9. Foreign terms and quotations (regardless of language) should be typed in italics.
    10. Remove all hyperlinks.
  2. When using numerical data, indicate their sources (including the page number). Tables with statistical data should follow the format used by Rocznik Statystyczny (Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Poland).
  3. The bibliographical data, both for the bibliography section and footnotes should be complete, and the quotations must be verified against the source material.
  4. The author carries the responsibility resulting from copyrights and publishing rights (reprinting of illustrations, tables and diagrams/graphs, and citations).


Style for notes and bibliography followed by Roczniki Teologiczne

Dear Authors,

As of 2021, we adopted the Chicago Style of Citation, described in the Chicago Manual of Style [Notes and Bibliography] (16th ed.). Find the essential CMOS tutorials here: link (English) and PDF (Polish).

Please, pay special attention to two things:

  1. For notes and bibliography ALWAYS spell out the author’s given name(s); an initial is not sufficient.
  2. Editorial words in a note (in bibliography) are in the language in which you submit your article (e.g., “ed./Edited, trans./Translated by” for English, “red., tłum.” for Polish, or “Hg.” for German, respectively).

Pay attention to some differences between notes and bibliography. The following guide uses separate examples to show them. Note that comma is the main separator in notes; in bibliography, full stop (period) separates the main elements, while comma separates minor ones. For convenience, the following colour code is used:



In notes, the location, publisher and year are enclosed in parentheses.


First citation:
Robert Young, Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), 2.
Zbigniew Zembrzuski, Ekumenizm w Warszawie. Studium Historyczno-Teologiczne (Warszawa: Oficyna Poligraficzno-Wydawnicza Adam, 2001), 21.

Subsequent (short) citations:
Young, Postcolonialism, 2.
Zembrzuski, Ekumenizm w Warszawie, 42.

Bibliography entry:
Note that the main separator is a full stop; sometimes a comma is used.
Young, Robert. Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Zembrzuski, Zbigniew. Ekumenizm w Warszawie. Studium Historyczno-Teologiczne. Warszawa: Oficyna Poligraficzno-Wydawnicza Adam, 2001.


First citation:
Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Hellen Tiffin, Key Concepts in Postcolonial Studies (London–New York: Routledge, 1998), 41.
Note: for manuscripts written in Polish, the conjunction “i” is not preceded by a comma. In general, use a conjunction that is appropriate for the language of your manuscript. The same applies to quotation marks and the relative position of the comma or full stop.

Subsequent citations:
Ashcroft, Griffiths, and Tiffin, Key Concepts in Postcolonial Studies, 41.

Bibliography entry:
Note: only the first author’s names are switched over. The surname is followed by a comma.
Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths, and Hellen Tiffin. Key Concepts in Postcolonial Studies. London–New York: Routledge, 1998.


First citation:
David G. Hunter, ed., Marriage and Virginity (New York: New City Press, 1999), 33–61.
Subsequent citations:
Hunter, Marriage and Virginity, 33.
Bibliography entry:
Hunter, David G., ed. Marriage and Virginity. New York: New City Press, 1999.


First citation:
Zofia Zdybicka, “Analogia i partycypacja w wyjaśnianiu rzeczywistości,” in Analogia w filozofii, ed. Andrzej Maryniarczyk, Katarzyna Stępień, and Paweł Skrzydlewski (Lublin: Polskie Towarzystwo św. Tomasza z Akwinu, 2005), 91. Subsequent citations:
Zdybicka, “Analogia i partycypacja,” 91.
Bibliography entry:
Zdybicka, Zofia. “Analogia i partycypacja w wyjaśnianiu rzeczywistości.” In Analogia w filozofii, edited by Andrzej Maryniarczyk, Katarzyna Stępień, and Paweł Skrzydlewski, 91–100. Lublin: Polskie Towarzystwo św. Tomasza z Akwinu, 2005.



1) In a note, indicate a specific page range (where your quotation can be found); in a bibliography give the page range for the whole article.
2) Article page ranges are preceded by a colon in the first citation and bibliography, but with a comma in every subsequent (short) note. Note, that for article titles and page numbers, a specific comma–quote or quote–comma order should be used, as appropriate for the language in which you are writing.

First citation:
Keith L. Sprunger, “Ames, Ramus, and the Method of Puritan Theology,” The Harvard Theological Review 59 (1966): 133.
Antoni Swoboda, “Bonum sacramenti w nauce św. Augustyna o małżeństwie”, Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 22 (2008): 68.
Subsequent citations:
Sprunger, “Ames, Ramus, and the Method of Puritan Theology,” 133.
Swoboda, “Bonum sacramenti”, 68.
Sprunger, Keith L. “Ames, Ramus, and the Method of Puritan Theology.” The Harvard Theological Review 59 (1966): 133–151.
Swoboda, Antoni. “Bonum sacramenti w nauce św. Augustyna o małżeństwie.” Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 22 (2008): 68.


The bibliographical entry should be followed by a DOI (not URL) number, and (optionally) access date. Generally, if the stable identifier (doi) is used, there is no need to supply an access date. For websites which might be changed, removed, it is always a good idea to provide an access date.

First citation:
Aaron Phillips, “An Examination of the Prosperity Gospel: A Plea for Return to Biblical Truth,” Pentecostal Theology 64 (2020): 29, accessed October 15, 2020,
Subsequent citations:
Phillips, “An Examination,” 29.
Phillips, Aaron. “An Examination of the Prosperity Gospel: A Plea for Return to Biblical Truth.” Pentecostal Theology 64 (2020): 25–40. Accessed October 15, 2020,
Welch, Tana Jean. “Entangled Species. The Inclusive Posthumanist Ecopoetics of Juliana Spahr.” Journal of Ecocriticism 6 (2014): 1–25. Accessed July 13, 2014.


Observe this order when citing Internet content: the title of a web page (or website), posting date (if available), access date and a link. Use the http(s):// prefix.

First citation:

“Historia KUL”, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, accessed February 10, 2020,,149.html.
Andrzej Zykubek, “Ks. prof. dr hab. Karol Wojtyła – Jan Paweł II,” Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. Wydział Filozofii, accessed February 10, 2020, jan-pawel-ii,13831.html.
Subsequent citations:
“Historia KUL.” (no author identified)
Zykubek, “Ks. prof. dr hab. Karol Wojtyła.”
“Historia KUL.” Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. Accessed February 10, 2020.,149.html.
Zykubek, Andrzej. “Ks. prof. dr hab. Karol Wojtyła – Jan Paweł II.” Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski. Wydział Filozofii. Accessed February 10, 2020. wojtyla-jan-pawel-ii,13831.html.



Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

Artykuły w czasopiśmie dostępne są na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa – Użycie niekomercyjne – Bez utworów zależnych 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)