
Roczniki Teologiczne / Annals of Theology is a scholarly journal, whose origins go back to 1949. Now it is published by the Learned Society of the Catholic University of Lublin and The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. Its history goes back to the communist time when the Catholic University of Lublin was the only academic centre behind the Iron Curtain not subjected to state control. Then the Journal was a window on theology in the world. Nowadays, it aims to address the current debates within theology, the Church, and society, culture and knowledge of the world. The range of topics spans dogmatics, theological anthropology, Christian morality/ethics and socio-cultural teaching of the Church. Embedded in the long tradition of the Catholic thought in Poland, the Journal is open to new ways of being involved in theology worldwide, especially in comparative theology, aiming at international readership.
The Editorial Team endeavours to maintain high methodological and ethical standards of the published articles and keep pace with the development of information and communication technologies. It follows the publishing criteria based on the scholarly merits of manuscripts, their pioneering nature, and their impact on the research field.

Annals of Theology until 2022 – read more…

Annals of Theology since 2023
Since 2023 the current formula of the Journal has changed to address academic standards and the needs of society, the Church, theology and humanities. The Journal is published in four issues per year, mainly in English. Also, texts in Polish, German, French, Italian and Spanish are accepted. The subject area includes theological subdisciplines, reflecting the structure of theological studies in the Faculty of Theology of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. In addition, special issues can be announced on a topic addressing current debates in the field of theology and humanities.
Articles are published online in open access to enhance the discoverability of the Journal. The primary version is the electronic version of the journal: articles appear either as part of a specific issue of the Journal or as Online First, before an issue is complete. Importantly, there are no submission or publication fees for this Journal.
The Annals welcomes manuscripts from the field of theology and other disciplines related to theological reflection.

Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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