Published : 2018-12-31

The Song Już to po zachodzie słońca (It is Already After the Sunset) in the Recordings from Living Tradition

Kinga Strycharz-Bogacz


The main aim of the article is to show functioning of the song Już to po zachodzie słońca (It is already after the sunset) in the living folk tradition. Originally, the song, inspired by the miraculous apparitions in Gietrzwałd and written in 1877 by Andrzej Samulowski, was passed down in oral tradition and in this way it reached different parts of Poland. During the field research 22 recordings of this song were gathered, coming from 9 different regions of our country. Research has shown that this song has 4 melodic versions, of which Version I and Version II have numerous variants; also, it has been proved that this song is multifunctional (it serves as a Marian song, a beggar song, a pilgrimage song and a funeral song). It is worth pointing out that these recordings are really varied, each of them is different, usually is defined by local conditions. It confirms a high degree of melodic, methro-rytmic, interstanza and agogic variability, various ways of vocal performance, as well as, quite high text variantability.


living tradition of religious folk songs, songs multifunctioning, melodic variability, text variantability, local performance conditions





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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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