Published : 2024-07-01

Modeling Principle and Conditio Humana of the Pupil


The process of upbringing is a special meeting between the educator and the pupil, the aim of which is to induce intended changes in the pupil’s personality. It is a complex process, and its results are shaped under the influence of many factors: the conscious and deliberate influence of people and institutions responsible for upbringing, a properly organized system of upbringing, and the efforts of an individual to shape his own personality. This article is devoted to the issue of upbringing by modeling, i.e. the method of example. Principles, understood as standards of conduct, are applied in order to achieve the effectiveness of the undertaken action. Since we accept the need for activity in the process of educating the educator and the pupil, it is the use of modeling that seems particularly useful. The essence of modeling consists in launching the mechanism of identifying the pupils with the outlined model, which can be an educator, a positive character in a novel, television program or theater play. One can get the impression that modeling, especially by setting a personal example by the educator, as an important factor of educational influence, has been somewhat forgotten. The article recalls the idea of an example in the process of upbringing, the issue of shaping the educator’s conscience and the need for self-assessment.


modelling, example, upbringing, conscience, self-esteem





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Roczniki Pedagogiczne · ISSN 2080-850X | eISSN 2544-5243 · DOI: 10.18290/rped
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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