Published : 2023-11-30

Parental Burnout and Its Personality-Related Conditionings. Study on Hearing Mothers of Young Adults With Prelingual Deafness

Joanna Kobosko


Parental burnout is a syndrome occurring in reaction to exposure to prolonged and overwhelming parental stress. Risk factors include being a mother or father of a child with a disability and the parent’s personality traits, especially neuroticism. Studies on that subject with parents of deaf children are few. So far, there is no study involving mothers of young adults. This paper aims to answer a question of personality-related conditionings of parental burnout in hearing mothers of young adults with prelingual deafness using cochlear implants. The study included 75 mothers of prelingually deaf children aged 18 – 24 (M=21,49; SD=1,55). Mothers completed the Parental Burnout Measure (PBM-12), Short IPIP-BFM-20 and a Data Collection Survey on sociodemographic data and information related to child’s deafness and cochlear implant. Results show that parental burnout in mothers of young adults with prelingual deafness is significantly lower than in mothers of children with other kinds of disabilities and correlates with the mother’s education level (lower) and residence (city). The results also revealed that there is a negative relationship between parental burnout and emotional stability, as well as the trait of intellect/imagination. The results obtained in this study lead to the conclusion that mothers experiencing parental burnout need different forms of psychological intervention aimed at increasing their parental resources, especially concerning emotional stability and openness to experience (trait intellect/imagination).


parental burnout, personality, hearing mothers, child’s deafness





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Roczniki Pedagogiczne · ISSN 2080-850X | eISSN 2544-5243 · DOI: 10.18290/rped
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