Published : 2023-11-30

“Art and Creativity” in Working With People With Special Educational Needs. Analysis of Project Assumptions and Results


The article set out to find an answer to the question: To what extent do the assumptions and results of the “Art and Creativity” project foster against social exclusion of people with special educational needs? The research author used an approach characteristic of action research. An appreciative inquiry AI (appreciative inquiry) approach was used, which allows building change based on best practice and discovering the positive aspects of a community. The following were used to collect data: interviews, observations, field notes, literature reviews, websites, Facebook, verbal messages and documents. The method used was to analyse the data collected.

“Art and Creativity” is an international project. Its participants are looking for inspiration for creative ways to counteract the social exclusion of people with special educational needs. The common axis of the activities and initiatives undertaken is to base them on artistic and creative education. The project is in line with current and very relevant ideas concerning the use of art and creativity in working with people with special educational needs. Undertaking joint activities contributes to broadening the knowledge and competences of the project participants and, above all, to learning about the expectations of the project partners in terms of student education. The creation of a network of universities and the involvement of NGOs and cultural and educational institutions in the project is important for the mutual exchange of good practice.


“Art and Creativity” project, special educational needs, Blended Intensive Programme, artistic and creative education





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Roczniki Pedagogiczne · ISSN 2080-850X | eISSN 2544-5243 · DOI: 10.18290/rped
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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