Published : 2024-04-17

Responsibility in the Education Process


Treating responsibility as a constitutive and existentially significant value, the publication brings closer its pedagogical aspect, covering the shaping of an attitude of responsibility in children, adolescents, students, adults, parents, teachers, catechists or those who manage schooling and education. In the first part, the author searches for an answer to the question why one cannot be a good student, a good parent and even more so a good citizen or teacher without maturely undertaking education and self-education in responsibility? In order to provide an answer to such a problem, the author analyses what student and teacher responsibility is in its essence.

In the second part, bearing in mind the fact that we learn through examples, the author of the publication recalls the concept of contemporary education for freedom based on the formation of an attitude of responsibility, which is little-known but verified by the life of many people. It is a concept introduced by Fr Luigi Giussani, who died in 2005 and was the founder of the world-famous Italian ecclesial movement Comunione e liberazione. In this concept, the basic dimensions of education for responsibility seem to be of interest. These are: education for attention, education for courageous acceptance of truth, education for an inquiring attitude, education for curiosity and positive reference to reality, the relationship of education for responsibility with community, authority and a critically understood tradition, and the encounter with people who are truly responsible as a way of widening the field of one's own responsibility.

In the final part, the author, recognising the need to respect responsibility as an important category of human life and the goal of integral education, signals several key issues related to effective education for responsibility in 21st century education.


responsibility, education, Fr Luigi Giussani





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Roczniki Pedagogiczne · ISSN 2080-850X | eISSN 2544-5243 · DOI: 10.18290/rped
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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