Published : 2025-01-28

Social Tasks of Educators in the Face of Crisis of Trust and Solidarity in Local Communities


In addition to illustrating the alarming state of trust and interpersonal solidarity in Poland, the article focuses on pointing out the importance of the action of the educator in the role of community organizer, whose important task is to achieve, a qualitative change in the way the local community and interpersonal relations function. Strengthening solidarity interaction is possible through community work aimed at activating local communities, that is, activating human and social forces, discovering the existing potential of the local community. The increasingly dynamic development of social service centers in Poland in response to the ongoing changes in the social policy of the European Union emphasizing the need to develop services for citizens and the formation of a group of helping professions opens new opportunities and space for the use of the potential of educators.


trust, interpersonal solidarity, community work, educator





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Roczniki Pedagogiczne · ISSN 2080-850X | eISSN 2544-5243 · DOI: 10.18290/rped
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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