Published : 2024-12-23

Hungarian-Polish Bilingualism From a Sociocultural Perspective: A Case Study


The article presents the research results of selected aspects of Hungarian-Polish bilingualism on the example of a member of the young Polish generation in Hungary, raised in a Polish-Hungarian family that used the OPOL strategy. This issue is part of the current of research on Polish-foreign bilingualism already present in Polish language glottodidactics. The choice of the topic discussued in the paper has resulted from the scarce interest in this type of bilingualism so far. The sociocultural perspective of the analyses determined the triangulation of research tools. Narrative analysis was adopted as the leading method. Data were obtained through a semi-structured interview, an in-depth interview and from a linguistic autobiography presented in a dozen essays handwritten in both languages by the respondent under study. In the discussion of the results it was concluded – assuming a certain representativeness of the presented study – that new attitudes towards their own bilingualism may be emerging in the young generation of bilingual Hungarians, while still preserving their experienced models of bicultural upbringing. It was noted, among other things, that Polish is maintained as a herited language – the language of contact with the foreign-speaking part of the family and its culture, but that the young want to cultivate it also because of possible socio-economic benefits. Polishness is treated sentimentally, as a source of pride and self-esteem. The Hungarian-Polish bilingualism analysed serves as a „socio-cultural catapult”: it provides a good basis for adaptation in contemporary globalised realities marked by multilingualism and multiculturalism, as it familiarises one with life marked by the dynamics of one's own national, cultural or linguistic identity.


learning/teaching (glottodidactics) of Polish language, Polish-foreign bilingualism, Hungarian-Polish bilingualism, narrative analysis





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Roczniki Humanistyczne · ISSN 0035-7707 | eISSN 2544-5200 | DOI: 10.18290/rh
© The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin & The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities

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