Fascicle 12: Musicology

Fascicle 12: Musicology

Theme: Music arranged and deranged

Guest Editor: Laura Tunbridge (University of Oxford)

The Editorial Board of Roczniki Humanistyczne, Fascicle 12: Musicology is seeking contributions of high academic quality for the forthcoming 2025 issue: Music arranged and deranged. Arrangement is a long-standing practice common to many genres of music and music-making. It can facilitate access to repertoire, enabling its transportation into different venues, genres or languages. Yet there are occasions when adapting music is an act of disarrangement, disturbing (déranger), even destroying key elements of the previous version. This issue invites essays considering the values of arrangement and the value of considering arrangements as a creative, social, and/or political practice.

Our definition of arrangement is not limited to the recasting of a musical work for different forces, media, or spaces. It can be understood more broadly as a critical practice that might maintain or extend a genre, repertoire, or canon, or performance approaches. Curation of a concert programme, or an adaptation for theatre or film, might, for instance, be thought of as an arrangement; reponses to previous arrangements might be thought of as rearrangements. Radical rereadings that undermine long-established aspects of modes of music-making and understanding might be understood as a form of derangement. The editors also welcome discussions of scholarship on arrangement/derangement as a mode of historiography.       

We especially, though not exclusively, encourage papers in the following areas:

  • Performance studies
  • Media studies
  • Genre studies
  • Music and musicology
  • Culture studies
  • Psychology of music

We accept only unpublished papers of high academic quality, reserving the right to preselect articles in terms of both subject matter and editorial content. Contributions, which should follow the Chicago citation style and not exceed 30,000 characters in length (including abstract and references), should be submitted via the Open Journal System https://czasopisma.tnkul.pl/index.php/rh/about/submissions.

Preferred languages: English, German, French, Polish
Deadline for submission: 15 March 2025.
Address for correspondence: laura.tunbridge@music.ox.ac.uk
Dr Kinga Krzymowska-Szacoń (kinga.krzymowska-szacon@kul.pl) – Secretary
Rev. Dr Michał Jędrzejski (michal.jedrzejski@kul.pl) – Vice-Secretary

Roczniki Humanistyczne · ISSN 0035-7707 | eISSN 2544-5200 | DOI: 10.18290/rh
© The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin & The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities

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