Peer review process

Roczniki Humanistyczne guarantees a rigorous review process according to the following principles:

1. Only papers that have been qualified by the Journal’s editors in the pre-review stage undergo peer reviewing.

2. The submitted manuscripts are evaluated fairly (fair play), exclusively on the basis of their academic merit and relevance to the scope of the Journal, without regard to the nationality, race, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship, or political views of the authors.

3. Each manuscript considered suitable for the Journal is evaluated by at least two independent and anonymous reviewers who are experts in the topic of the paper. Reviewers are appointed by the editor and are from institutions other than the parent unit of the author.

4. Reviewers’ work is supervised by the editor of a fascicle. Reviewers’ ethical obligations are explained in section Publication Ethics: Reviewers’ Responsibilities.

5. Roczniki Humanistyczne uses a double-blind peer review process in which authors do not know the identity of their reviewers, nor do the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Editors ensure the protection of both the authors' and the reviewers' identity.

6. Reviewers evaluate a manuscript in terms of:

  a) scientific value, originality, and relevance,
  b) clarity and correctness of objectives,
  c) methodology and argumentation coherence,
  d) clarity and correctness of conclusions,
  e) adequacy of works cited,
  f) language and style.

7. Reviewers present their opinion to editor in written form (review form in English: DOCX / Polish: DOCX) authenticated by their signature, as well as in electronic form. Opinion should include a definite statement of acceptance or rejection of a submitted paper for publication.

8. In case of contradictory opinions, editor refers a paper to a third reviewer. The decision of the third reviewer is final.

9. Editor presents the author with reviews without disclosing reviewers’ identity. Author of a paper is obliged to respond to reviewers’ suggestions before publishing a paper.

10. The list of reviewers is published in each issue as well as on the Roczniki Humanistyczne website, in section Reviewers.

Roczniki Humanistyczne · ISSN 0035-7707 | eISSN 2544-5200 | DOI: 10.18290/rh
© The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin & The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities

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