Published : 2023-10-20

Analogy as a Witz


Is a metaphor a bad thing, especially in those areas of communication where we expect accuracy, precision and unambiguity? Is it possible to make such exact statements in relation to the phenomena that constitute the object of cognition, which, thanks to language, are rather the object of the human conception of them? They thus fall within the realm of epistemology, not ontology. This is what I deal with in this article, which is based on the text of the lecture I gave at my habilitation colloquium at Technische Universität Berlin on 13 June 2022. The text is, in a sense, an abbreviated excerpt from my considerations, which I have spread out over more than a thousand pages in my habilitation thesis, which will be published next year. The study I have conducted is innovative and represents a change to the previous paradigm of terminology research due to the method of analysis of the object of study. The innovation of my study is that I move away from analysing the semantic transformations of individual lexical units and capture the principles of the constitution of entire terminological systems.


semantics, terminology, terminologisation, languages for special purposes, language of law, epistemology





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Roczniki Humanistyczne · ISSN 0035-7707 | eISSN 2544-5200 | DOI: 10.18290/rh
© The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin & The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities

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