Published : 2020-03-30

Realization of the Religious Vocation of Maurycy Ludwik Kubrak OFMCap (1937-1987)


The figure of Capuchin Maurycy Ludwik Kubrak (1937-1987) was remembered as a charismatic priest who influenced the faithful with his humbleness, simplicity and the spirit of piety and poverty. While working in Biała Podlaska and Lublin as a religion teacher, he was called a catechist with a magnet. In his service as a hospital chaplain in Lublin and in pastoral work for the nuns in Nowe Miasto, he was faithful to his duties and sacrificial availability which spared no effort. As a parish priest in Rywałd Królewski, he spread the Marian cult and developed pastoral work in the sanctuary. His patience and love for the cross was revealed during his terminal illness, which he experienced with exceptional submission to God's will. He died in the opinion of holiness.


Kapucyni, Maurycy Kubrak, świętość, duszpasterstwo





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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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