Published : 2014-06-30

Divine Mercy in Relation to Priesthood and to the Priestly Formation

Henryk Ciereszko


The article takes up the issue of the relation between the truth of Divine mercy with priesthood, mainly in the aspect of its effect on the form of priesthood and the priestly formation. The priesthood of the sacrament of the holy orders introduces one into a particular bond with God in His Trinitarian mystery; it makes him similar to Archpriest Christ, makes him more able and invites him to imitate Christ in the attitude and mission towards the Church. Experiencing this bond with God, who is the Father of mercy, with Christ, who is apersonification and fulfillment of the Father’s mercy as the “reliable and merciful” Archpriest, and with the Holy Spirit, in whose power salutary graces are distributed in the priestly service of the Church as Divine mercy's gifts, cannot reveal the feature of mercy in presbyters' very life and service. Hence in experiencing their priesthood presbyters should perceive significant relations between Divine mercy and priesthood; they should explore the mystery of Divine mercy, especially in its relation to priesthood, develop their reverence for Divine mercy, and imitate this mercy in their priestly service, that is in a way constantly form themselves also in the light of the mystery of Divine mercy.


Divine mercy, priesthood, priestly spirituality, priestly formation, priesthood versus Divine mercy





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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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