The Authority of the Saints as a Model and Example to Follow According to Pope Francis


From the moment a person chooses certain religious principles and begins to shape their relationship with God, the development of a religious personality begins. In religious education, authorities and personal models are necessary, and they help a person better understand the need to live according to principles and values. Therefore, in order for a person to grow and mature in their religiosity, they need appropriate authorities and models.

Pope Francis in the Apostolic Exhortation entitled “Gaudete et Exsultate. On the call to holiness in the contemporary world” (April 9, 2018) draws special attention to holiness as a category that is not abstract, not impersonal, but true and real. Holiness is always connected with a person; it is a vocation to be an authority and a model that they become for other believers. Saints become true authorities for us and help in educating others. When writing the Exhortation, Pope Francis was aware of the importance of an example in the process of shaping the character of every person and their upbringing. The Holy Father closely links authority as a personal model with the vocation to holiness.

Francis understands authority in the catechetical sense. This model is understood as moral perfection, and it is adherence to Christ himself. Therefore, in addition to the persons of Jesus and Mary, there are other authorities and models in Catholic education. We make reference to such people who wanted to imitate Christ as perfectly as possible in their lives. These are the saints, the blessed, as well as people who, by the example of their lives, are worthy of imitation: parents who raise their children; working men and women; sick, elderly people; and consecrated persons. The transmission of appropriate and valuable authorities and models is necessary in the upbringing of not only children and youth, but also adults.


authority, example, sanctity, canonization, Pope Francis





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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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