Published : 2024-07-01

Teacher and Student in a Culture of Learning


The purpose of these considerations is to show and characterize the contemporary determinants of educational processes. Speaking of conditions, I focus primarily on the external ones, because they are the ones that are changing at such an accelerated pace that it is difficult to keep up with the changes in organizing educational processes. These changes relate to equipping the student with the tools of thinking and learning, which result primarily from changes in civilization. Paradoxically, social relations, interpersonal communication and, above all, culture have not kept pace with these changes. The concept of culture is increasingly appearing in relation to phenomena outside its traditional understanding. It seems to be a fashionable, even universal category, which has been incorporated into the terminology of various scientific disciplines with the meaning appropriate to them. Culture of organization, culture of learning, culture of mind, culture of being, culture of behavior, are among the many examples in which the relationship of culture to various areas of human life or its social environment is accentuated, and at the same time evidence of the presence of this concept in the consideration of education. Education has a “servant” function for human development, and therefore it should be organized in such a way and guided by such values that will support this development, and not “label”. As I understand it, this labeling is more and more information, obviously “needed” recorded on various types of relays, which the 21st century generation is using more and more skillfully than the brain. In this situation of civilization and society, alternative concepts of education are emerging, the critical analysis of which and the possibilities of application become important in the development of both the individual and society.


educational processes, civilizational changes, culture, alternative concepts of education





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Roczniki Pedagogiczne · ISSN 2080-850X | eISSN 2544-5243 · DOI: 10.18290/rped
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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