Published : 2024-04-17

Human Trafficking: Social, Normative and Educational Aspects


In this article the issue of human trafficking and the struggle for identifying and overcoming that phenomenon has been drawn out. The purpose of the pursued analyses is an answer to the question why, since all the states and international organizations are interested in weeding that crime out, it has been still commonly committed and profits drawn out of it grow by the year. While searching for the answer, three aspects of the understanding of human trafficking have been addressed: the social aspect in which, on the basis of Anne Gallagher’s text of 2017, the analysis of four false and dangerous assumptions regarding human trafficking and commonly taken by the public opinion has been undertaken; the normative aspect in which, referring to the regulations of the human trafficking crime in the Polish penal law, the classical distinction between the negative and positive freedoms has been emphasized. The two kinds of freedom are conceived as goods against which the human trafficking crime is directed every time; finally, the educational aspect in which, while presenting the findings of a few empirical research projects in the area of the future medical staff training, it has been noticed that the relevant issues are hardly present in academic education of the group of professionals who meets the human traffic victims the most often. The analyses of the three research areas were carried out using different research approaches; successively: discussing the main theses of Anne Gallagher’s text; analyzing the philosophical and legal concepts of negative and positive freedoms; finally, reviewing the empirical research cases in the before mentioned area. A conclusion that one can draw from this article indicates that in each in the title areas – social, legal, and educational – some significant difficulties appear that make the fight against human trafficking so complex and so far from a positive outcome.


Human trafficking, false ideas, freedom, law, health service, education





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Roczniki Pedagogiczne · ISSN 2080-850X | eISSN 2544-5243 · DOI: 10.18290/rped
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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