Published : 2023-08-03

The ‘Hot News’ Perfect in Spanish and English News Press


The aim of this article is to analyse the use of the “hot news” perfect in Spanish and English news press. The analysis focuses on the distribution of simple and compound forms of the past tense in the Spanish digital press (i.e. the pretérito perfecto simple and pretérito perfecto compuesto verbal forms) and the English digital press (i.e. the  past simple and present perfect verbal forms), referring to the process of the flexibilization of the concept of “recentness” and the grammaticalization of compound forms of the past tense in both languages. In the contrastive description, the combination of simple and compound tenses in the above context in both languages, ​​and the role of adverbials of time in the narrative structure of news are analysed. In addition, a phenomenon that further draws one’s attention is the potential discursive function of the “hot news” perfect.





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Roczniki Humanistyczne · ISSN 0035-7707 | eISSN 2544-5200 | DOI: 10.18290/rh
© The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin & The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities

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