Published : 2023-06-23

Heinrich von Brühl’s residence in Brody – the courtly splendour within


Brody (Pförten) was one of Heinrich von Brühl’s most important palace and garden complexes. The importance of the residence was due primarily to its location on the royal route between Dresden and Warsaw. The desire to impress the monarch prompted minister von Brühl, who became famous as an outstanding patron of the arts, to rebuild the residence. The splendour of the new, monumental building was emphasised by the sculptural decorations and sumptuous interiors with their rich decorations and high-quality furnishings (the best-known includes the porcelain Swan Service tableware made by the Meissen porcelain works). A pheasantry and hunting ground, among other things, were also created on the estate, where hunting trips were organised with the participation of August III. The surviving architectural designs – including sketches by Johann Christoph Knöffel – together with manuscript sources, archival iconography and in situ analysis, provide a glimpse of the scale of the investment and the momentum with which the Brody residence was rebuilt. At the same time, a large- scale complex was also created, comprising a garden layout, a parade courtyard with outbuildings and architectural axes which determined the construction of the town itself. Significantly, these changes were not only concerned with urban and artistic issues. Among other things, textile, furniture and tobacco works were established in Brody, resulting in an influx of new craftsmen, who contributed to the economic development of the centre. This article outlines the most important themes concerning the significance of the Brühl residence during its heyday, which occurred during the lifetime of the Saxon statesman himself.


Brody (Lubuskie voivodeship), 18th century, residential architecture, Heinrich von Brühl, urban planning, Johann Christoph Knöffel, Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich (Dietricy), Hunting ground, Festkultur, Saxon times, Augustus III (Wettin)





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Roczniki Humanistyczne · ISSN 0035-7707 | eISSN 2544-5200 | DOI: 10.18290/rh
© The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin & The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities

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