Published : 2024-09-18

Artificial Intelligence Tools in Academic Writing Instruction: Exploring the Potential of On-Demand AI Assistance in the Writing Process


This paper deals with the implementation of artificial intelligence tools in the process of teaching writing for academic purposes. The aims of this scientific study were to verify the practicability of implementation of selected artificial intelligence tools at the C1+/C2 level in university instruction and to gain insight into the attitudes and changes in preferences for use of AI-enhanced writing tools. The analyses were also focused on investigating the extent to which students take advantage of the potential of interaction with artificial intelligence tools in the process of composing academic texts. The research material was collected through a one-group quasi-experimental treatment in an undergraduate applied linguistics group of students. The obtained results indicate a significant increase in the use of and familiarity with artificial intelligence and the tools that apply AI algorithms to support

text processing and production. The statements of the respondents prove that AI-assisted tools themselves and the knowledge how to apply them in the academic writing process remain vital and constitute a significantly useful element in the development of writing competence.


artificial intelligence tools, Chat-GPT, English for academic purposes, writing instruction





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Roczniki Humanistyczne · ISSN 0035-7707 | eISSN 2544-5200 | DOI: 10.18290/rh
© The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin & The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities

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