In Christianity, there are extraordinary healings, which are caused by God. They happen in a specific religious and prayerful context, and assume openness and faith of the person, that wants to regain his lost health. He has to perform the act of forgiveness in the name of Jesus, so that he could freely accept the gift of healing. This gift always concerns the whole person and also heals the spirit. The man experiences his faith more deeply, experiences Jesus's hotter love and newness of life, which will be fully achieved in the Kingdom of Heaven. There are also extraordinary phenomena, whose authors are demons. Because they are purely spiritual beings, they can transmit to people devoted to them their powers in the form of e.g.: extraordinary power, levitation, unnatural body weight, exercise of breakneck acrobatics, which they never practiced, reciting long book passages, which they never read and others. Among these extraordinary phenomena there is also the phenomenon of healing. Demons can infect a man with disease and remove its symptoms. They can also remove the symptoms of natural diseases, by using healers as their tools. The patient may experience positive effects in the physical dimension, but he must always pay the price in the form of contracting a worse disease, spiritual difficulties, deterioration or destruction of his family or social ties and opening the doors wide to the actions of personal evil in the family. These are serious consequences, which have to be paid by people undergoing insidious actions of demons.
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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
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