Published : 2014-07-30

Pastoral Care of Families as a Salvific Activity of the Church

Ryszard Kamiński


Saving activity is realized in different dimensions of the universal Church, of the diocese and the parish community. In all these aspects of the Church life salvific activity is expressed in various forms of pastoral ministry. Among these forms the pastoral care for families takes the first place. The essence of this pastoral care understood as a saving activity is to discover God's plan for marriage and family, and also to help spouses and families in its implementation. As majority of people is called to live in marriage and family, they remain in the center of the global saving activity of the Church. In relation to marriages and families the Church carries out its duty first of all by pastoral care of families. In this sense, the pastoral care of families is a crucial element of the whole saving activity of the Church.

According to the Apostolic Exhortation „Familiaris Consortio” the pastoral care for families as a saving activity aims to realize a community of faith and love by proclaiming the God's Word, liturgical celebrations and bear witness of Christian life. It shall lead the people in their everyday marital and family life to the personal encounter with God in faith and love (cf. FC 65-73). Areas of pastoral care families as a saving activity are different. They can be reduced to five aspects: the defense of human life, preparation for marriage and family life, family assistance, family counseling and education of parents and care for families in special situations. In every area of family pastoral carethere are a few specific tasks.


family pastoral care, the saving activity of the Church, pastoral theology, organic pastoral care, marriage and family counseling, education of parents





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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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