The presented article makes a proposal of the relecture of John 10,16 in an ecumenical perspective. The text of John 10,16 says about “other sheep,” which Jesus have to lead so that may arise one flock. The point of departure is an exegetical analysis of John 10,16 in the context of the whole discourse about good Shepherd. The new fold will be composed of two groups, which have been presented figuratively as two groups of sheep. The first group – sheep from the flock (Gr. αὐλή [aulē]) embodies Jesus’ disciples of Jewish origin. The second group – “other sheep” are Christians originate from Gentiles. Both groups will make the one fold. Considering the whole Johannine Gospel, we may say that the beginning of the unification of the fold is the exaltation of Jesus (i.e. His passion, death and resurrection). Since then the incorporation of Christians of pagan origin have begun. The force unifying the new fold will be hearing of the Shepherd’s voice, i.e. acceptance the Revelation brought by Jesus, which will lead to faith in Him. Looking at the text John 10,16 from the ecumenical perspective we may constate: firstly, making the one fold will be a process stretched over time. The way to the unity is long. It has been expressed by the verb γίνομαι [ginomai], which points out the process of making the one fold. Secondly, lots and lots is dependent on how the sheep hear the Shepherd’s voice. Therefore all Christians have to make a permanent reflection about ability to hear the voice of Jesus, i.e. the reflection about ability to understand revelation brought by Jesus. Right cognition and understanding of this revelation is related to serious treatment of biblical research. Since the Bible contains it, what once the voice of the Shepherd annunciated. Right understanding of the Bible makes it, that the Shepherd’s voice is reviving anew in a sense and it draws the next sheep to the one fold.
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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
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