Published : 2017-08-30

Processions in Christian Liturgy: Origin, Theology and Ministry

Daniel Brzeziński


The author undertakes the theme of Christian processions: their origin, theological aspects and significant questions of pastoral ministry. He presents the psychological and sociological, historical and religious as well as anthropological and cultural roots of processions revealing their “horizontal” mechanism of creation and “vertical” dimension, i.e. the reference to sacrum. He demonstrates the Biblical foundation of Christian processions: the Old Testament processions and one procession described in the New Testament, namely the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem. In addition, he introduces the historical evolution of the procession phenomena in the Church and proposes a theological definition of a Christian procession. The article concludes with several suggestions concerning liturgical ministry.


procession, liturgy, liturgical ministry





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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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