Published : 2018-05-29

Charism of Institution and Institutional Structure of Charisms

Przemysław Sawa


The Church has both institutional and charismatic structure. Hierarchy provides the Church with stability and faithfulness simultaneously allowing it to open for the new. On the other hand, charisms refresh the Church and embellish it through various forms of deeds, services, evangelisation.

The Holy Spirit is the source of both structures. Thus, it is necessary to see the charismatic nature of the hierarchical service. Bishops fulfill their role based on their Holy Orders and are led by the Holy Spirit. They also have a biblical charism of power. This constitutes a real challenge for the clergy − to be truly open to the Paraclete and make use of the spiritual gifts.

On the contrary, charismatic gifts cannot exist without the hierarchy as it would become too easy to make mistakes or even imitate real charisms which would consequently lead to a spiritual anarchy. Abundance of charisms is therefore put under bishops and presbyters' who also guard their right exercising. Still, it is also the nature of charisms that includes being directed on the institutionalisation, which displays itself in an emergence of some constant structure allowing for a constant service.


Holy Spirit, hierarchy, institution, charisms, discernment





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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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