Published : 2019-11-28

The Catechetical Significance of the Polish Marian Path in the Context of Erroneous Contemporary Anthropologies

Marian Zając


All Polish catechisms and textbooks for teaching religion after the Council's renewal contain numerous Marian references. We are also a nation in which devotion to Mary is an obvious phenomenon with a significant degree of intensity. There is also a justified theory that Poles are maintaining a high level of religion in European conditions thanks to Marian pedagogy. This, however, obliges us to make a deeper reflection. The current position of the Church's Teaching Office is the verification point for the Polish model of Marian catechesis. This publication is about answering the question whether education through catechesis on being a disciple of Christ and a genuinely committed member of the Church can make use of the principle functioning in catechesis: look at Mary, the Mother of Jesus, because in her you will find help in living your Christian vocation.

In a time when false anthropologies are dominating, like denying the existence of God and the need for religion, and fundamental rules of sociallife and moral principles are being questioned, reference to a stable point in the Christian life seems to be really necessary. The pattern of combining a dignified life with fidelity to the Gospel’s principles according to the Marian Way can still be a strong foundation of catechetical communication.


catechesis, Marian Way, erroneous anthropology





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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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