Published : 2019-02-27

Jewish-Samaritan Antagonism in the Time of Ezra and Nehemiah


The history of the Samaritans is strictly linked with the history of the Israelites. From the very beginning there was lack of unity between the tribes of the ancient Israel. After kings Salomon's' death his kingdom was divided into two separate states: Judah in the south and Israel in the north. In 722/21 BC the kingdom of Israel had collapsed after Assyrian invasion. Many local inhabitants were taken captivity and deported to Assyria. On their place new people were settled. The society of the former kingdom became mixed. This was the beginning of the Samaritan community.

The next important event that led to the Samaritan schism was the collapse of the Kingdom of Judah in 587/586 BC. Their inhabitants were taken captivity to Babylon. It lasted for 50 years. In 538 the Jews were permitted return. After returning to Palestine, they wanted to rebuild their ethnic and religious community concentrated around the Temple. Samaritans wanted to take part in the reconstruction of the Temple, but their request was denied. Among many gods Samaritans worshiped Yahweh, but not in the way required by Jews from Judah. After being rejected by the Jews, Samaritans started to establish their own cult centred near the mount of Gerizim.


Samaritans, Book of Ezra, Book of Nehemiah, jewish-samaritan antagonisms, the temple of Jerusalem





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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
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