Published : 2019-02-27

Marian Dimension of Christian Identity


God has revealed himself to a human being in order to give him an opportunity to fulfill his goal which is his predestination. Cognition, which has its source in God's revelation, must be accepted by a human through faith. Intellectual effort of a human cannot be separated from listening and contemplation. Experience of Christian faith shows that Mary, Mother of God plays an important role in this process. That is why the first question of our reflection would be: What does it mean that presence of Mary is necessary on our way to salvation? The key to mystery of the Virgin Mary and her role in our salvation is connected with her “place in the history of salvation.”

Next question is: Can we imagine Christian identity without the presence of Mother of God? The answer can be found in one of recently popular mariological topics: Mary's pilgrimage of faith. In the analysis of Mary's faith we will focus on the words and events that we will find in the Scripture remembering that itinerarium fidei includes all of Mary's life, also the hidden life in Nazareth. This analysis leads to conclusion that the Virgin Mary's way of faith is the way that definitely leads to the encounter with Christ. Marian spirituality, when experienced authentically, always shapes our life in accordance with the spirit and values of the Gospel. 


Jesus Christ, Blessed Mary, faith, salvation, Christian identity





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Roczniki Teologiczne · ISSN 2353-7272 | eISSN 2543-5973 · DOI: 10.18290/rt
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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