Published : 2023-12-19

Wislawa Szymborska in Polish Biographical Documentaries (Based On Films: Chwilami życie bywa znośne, napisane życie. Wisława Szymborska and Radość pisania)


The purpose of the present research is to analyze the narrative strategies used in three biographical documents dedicated to the Polish Nobel Prize winner Wislawa Szymborska. The ways of profiling the heroine’s image were analyzed with their following components: the subject(s) of the narrative, the analysis of its content and the techniques used to expose biographical themes. The following films were analyzed: Radość pisania (dir. Antoni Krauze, 2005), Chwilami życie bywa znośne. Przewrotny portret Wisławy Szymborskiej (dir. Katarzyna Kolenda-Zaleska, 2009), Napisane życie. Wisława Szymborska (dir. Marta Węgiel, 2015). The analysis showed that biographical documentaries play a typical cognitive-educational role: they familiarize us with the literary works of the Nobel Prize winner, inform us in an unconventional way about selected facts from her private life. The procedures of using and combining various media (intermediality, intermodality, intertextuality) make the biographical document more credible and attractive from an aesthetic point of view.


Wislawa Szymborska, biographical documents, narrative strategies





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