Author Guidelines
1. Only articles that have not been previously published may be submitted for publication in Annals of Social Sciences. Also, the article submitted for publication in Annals of Social Sciences cannot be simultaneously under review in another journal.
The editors accept articles in English (preferred) and Polish. The decision to accept a text proposal in another congress language is made by the Editor-in-Chief. The editors accept articles in English only if they have been proofread by a native speaker. Finally, authors should disclose all the contributors (see point 9).
2. Papers should be submitted via Open Journal System:
1) first, authors must register/log in (if they already have an authorial account);
2) after logging in, authors should choose the option "Start a New Submission", fill in the form, send the article without the author’s data, and fill in the metadata of the article (abstract, key words, translations).
3. The article should end with an alphabetical list of works cited (Bibliography).
4. In-text citations should be (Author, Year[, page]), for example:
(Johnson, 1998), (Popiel, 2022) or (Nowak, 2018, p. 14)
The bibliography uses commas to separate elements within individual entries. Use original names of cities (Roma, not Rome; Warszawa, not Warsaw; Kraków, not Cracow), but adapt for the article’s language words like Band = vol., Teil = part, Abruf = accessed, herausgegeben von = ed./eds., etc. Apply capitalization to English book or paper titles. Access dates should be used sparingly, only for sources that seem unstable or likely to change. For published books, papers in journals or magazines where the publication date is provided, no access date is required.
Pooh W., (1927), How to Catch Bees, London: Funny Bear Publishing.
Di Giandomenico M.E., (2008), Il bilancio sociale e il modulo aziendale etico, Milano: A. Giuffrè.
- Chapter in an edited book:
Mattern S., (2020), Calculative Composition – The Ethics of Automating Design, [in:] M. Dubber, F. Pasquale, and S. Das (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI, New York: Oxford University Press, p. 571-587.
- Papers in academic journals:
Pujol J., (2022), Facing the Divide since Babel: The Role of Faith in Urban Settings, The Journal of Dialogic Ethics: Interfaith and Interhuman Perspectives 1, no. 1, p. 19-31.
Miñambres J., (2012), La ‘stewardship’ (corresponsabilità) nella gestione dei beni temporali della Chiesa, Ius Ecclesiae, no. 24, p. 277-292.
Copeland B.J., (2021, December 14), s.v. Artificial Intelligence, [in:] Encyclopedia Britannica, [accessed: 1.02.2024].
Francis, (2019), Artificial Intelligence, [accessed: 1.02.2024].
5. Authors are requested to supply an abstract in Polish and in English of approximately 100-120 words, and two lists of keywords (in Polish and in English).
6. The following information is required: the author’s full name, academic degree, ORCiD, affiliation and the full address of the university, address for correspondence; phone number; e-mail. Authors should also declare an address for correspondence and e-mail they want published in the affiliation footnote. Please provide the information in the Comments for the editor textbox.
7. Authors are responsible for any copyright violations their article may be in (quoting, reprinting pictures, tables and charts).
8. Authors are requested to provide complete bibliographical entries and make sure their citations are correct.
9. The editors inform that “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” are instances of dishonesty and will be revealed, resulting in the notification of proper parties (such as the author’s employer, learned societies, and scientific editors’ associations).
11. The Editorial Team reserves the right to accept or reject the submitted text.
1. All texts should be formatted in one of the main word-processing programs, such as MS Word, OpenOffice, saved as either “rtf” or “doc.” All pages should be numbered consecutively. One page should consist of 2000 characters (31 lines, 65 characters each); left margin – 35 mm; font – Times New Roman 12; 1,5-spaced.
The acceptable length of a texts: an article (20.000-40.000 spaces), a progress reports (10.000-20.000 spaces), review of books, critiques, commentaries (to 10.000 spaces).
2. Drawings or computer charts should be edited in one of the following programs: CorelDraw (up to v. 11.0), MS PowerPoint, Corel Presentation for Windows, MS Excel. They should be sent as a separate file (“Upload Supplementary Files" in Open Journal System). This also applies to scanned materials. Please mark the place for each drawing in the paper.
3. Original, reproducible maps and pictures should be included at the end of the article. Each should be signed. Scanned maps and pictures should be sent as separate files (as in point 2).
4. As they submit the paper, authors must notify the editors if it includes unusual fonts (such as Hebrew, Cyrillic, Greek, logic, mathematical or phonetic symbols) that are not part of a standard Windows word-processing program. The article title, bibliography and footnotes in non-Latin alphabet should be transliterated.
5. Keep the formatting as simple as possible: include indentations, centered texts, italics and bold fonts.
6. Keep a copy of the paper on a hard drive (or other storage device) until it is published.
7. Materials that are incomplete or do not follow the aforementioned guidelines will not be considered for review.
8. Sample article - PDF / DOC.