Peer Review Process

1. By submitting their papers for publication in Annals of Social Sciences, authors agree to the terms of the peer review process.

2. The rules of the peer review process are in accordance with the guidelines listed in the 2011 manual published by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland.

3. During a preliminary review, the editors evaluate the formal and thematic accuracy of the submitted papers. If there are no major comments, the texts are sent out to reviewers (who are not members of the editorial board)– specialists on a given topic. The reviewers must not be affiliated with a given author’s research facility. The reviewer must be neither a colleague nor a close acquaintance of the author of the text under review (conflict of interest) .

4. Reviews are confidential and anonymous (double-blind review). During the peer review process, both the author and the reviewer remain anonymous.

5. Reviewers must not disclose any information about the reviewed text until it is published.

6. In addition to comments regarding the subject matter of the paper, reviewers provide the editorial board with their opinion concerning the publication (review form PDF):

- accept for publication without any changes

- accept for publication after a minor revision

- accept for publication after a major revision and another review

- reject .

7. Once the peer review process is completed, authors are notified about its outcome. They receive the reviews of their papers (without reviewers’ names). The reviewers’ names are published once a year.

8. If an article has been accepted for publication, the author remains in contact with the editorial board while preparing the final version of the text.

9. Having read the reviews and the final version of the paper, the editor-in-chief makes the final decision about publication.

The list of reviewers is published in the last (4) number of the journal. Once the number comes out in print, the list of reviewers is published on the website.

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