Published : 2024-02-20

Corresponding the “Agenda” of Zamość Council (1715–1720): Apostolic Nuncio, Catholic Clerics, and Uniate Hierarchs


The paper studies the correspondence from the papal archives on the eve of the Zamość Council 1720. Research on corresponding raises the question of tensions between Latin and Uniates hierarchs on the eve of the council and in which way these debates were “moderated” from Rome by the apostolic nuncio. The article concentrates on the so-called Memorial of Apostolic Nuncio Girolamo Grimaldi prepared already in 1716. After that research analysed a “campaign” in May-June 1720 organized by Apostolic Nuncio to gather information about the affairs of the Ruthenian Uniates to update the council’s agenda. The group of informants included the rector of Papal College in Lviv, Stefano Trombetti, and Latin Archbishop of Lviv Jan Skarbek. Girolamo Grimaldi also sent letters to the Uniate bishops (Yosyf Levytskyi and Atanasiy Sheptytskyi) each of them responded to the apostolic nuncio, sharing their propositions regarding the agenda of the planned council of the Kyivan Uniate Metropolitanate.


Zamość Council 1720, correspondence, papal archives, Congregation of Propaganda Fide, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Kyivan Uniate Metropolitanate, Girolamo Grimaldi, Lev Kyshka





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Roczniki Humanistyczne · ISSN 0035-7707 | eISSN 2544-5200 | DOI: 10.18290/rh
© The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin & The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities

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