Published : 2023-09-26

“Intelligentsia on the Ruins of the Homeland”: System Research Model for Conservative Discourse on Systemic Transformation in Russia in the 90’s of the Twentieth Century


The analysis of the discourse of systemic transformation in the 90s of the twentieth century in Russia was carried out on the basis of the source text entitled Intelligence on the ruins of the homeland (1996) by the conservative publicist Sergei Kara-Murza. The analysis began with the clarification of the concept of the system, its component parts, the mechanism of maintaining functional balance and the time frame of transformation. The conclusions of the analysis allowed us to build the model of the system. The model enables a researcher to trace the inconsistencies that consist in loosening the relationship between the fundamental parts of a system – values. The words that are characterized by ambivalence made the second layer of systemic analysis. The question of their semantics reveals the direction of transformation of the system – towards an increase in functional balance or towards its disturbance. The question about the role of intelligence boils down to its competence in recognizing the nuances of meaning and building such models of the system that will show the potential dangers of clashing values before the postulates are implemented in practice. In this aspect, the system model, on the basis of which the course of the system transformation can be forecasted, has a diagnostic and prognostic functions.


perestroika, systemic transformation, intelligentsia, market economy, Gorbachev, revolution, democracy





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Roczniki Humanistyczne · ISSN 0035-7707 | eISSN 2544-5200 | DOI: 10.18290/rh
© The Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin & The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Humanities

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