Published : 2024-11-20

The Status of Biaspectual Verbs in the Modern Russian Language: On the Problem of the Hybridity

Izabela Kozera-Sławomirska


Biaspectual verbs have long represented an unproductive model for expressing the category of aspect. The research proves that the duality does not by any means exclude verbs from the sphere of the category of aspect. Biaspectual verbs, despite all their features, obey the basic laws of the aspect system of the Russian verb. The status of biaspectual verbs becomes transitional due to the growing trend towards prefixal or suffixal aspectual formation, which is reflected differently in lexicographic sources. The simultaneous existence of biaspectual verbs next to their aspectual correlates raises the question of the redundancy of the aspectual system.


verb, aspect, biaspectual verb, hybridity, lexicographical description, redundancy





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Roczniki Humanistyczne · ISSN 0035-7707 | eISSN 2544-5200 | DOI: 10.18290/rh
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