Published : 2024-06-28

Expiring, Eternal or Simply Monstrous? Identity of Bereaved Mothers: A Preliminary Insight

Magdalena Rosochacka-Gmitrzak


The paper aims to investigate transitions of maternal identity after child loss and provide insight into how maternal identity reshapes itself. Prior to this, the notion of identity is examined, including maternal identity. Historical and statistical background of parental loss caused by child death is provided. The paper attempts to go beyond the existing body of knowledge and descriptions of maternal bereavement identity and proposes a different lens which appears purposeful for further intended research – namely, the monstrous identity of a bereaved mother. Methodologically, the paper applies an integrative review, aspiring to overview the scientific body of research in maternal loss, review it, and finally elaborate on it.


bereaved mothers, identity transition/shift, monstrous identity, child loss





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