
Focus and Scope

The Studia Polonijne covers fields of research such as History, History of Church and Sociology. It is aimed at presenting the origins and history of Polish diaspora abroad, their pastoral care and complexity of its contemporary problems. The Journal is divided into sections: The Articles, The Materials, The Chronicle, The Reviews. Each paper gives an account of various contexts of Polish diaspora. It was first published in 1976 in difficult times of communist-ruled Poland with the main aim of mutual understanding between Poles in the country and abroad.  During its almost 50-year-long history, Studia Polonijne has been bringing together international scholars, e.g. from The United Kingdom and The United States of America.

The Studia Polonijne is unique in being  the only journal in Poland - and probably in the world - focused on Polish diaspora, its history and problems. It is also highly specialized and dedicated to Poles living abroad all over the world. Because of its role of extending the knowledge of Polonia among Poles in the country and abroad, the Polish language is used in majority of papers. The Journal supports strenghtening the ties between Poland and its emigrants, reminding them about their Polish identity and culture.

Publishing schedule: one volume in year is published in December. The digital version of the periodical is its primary version.

DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18290/sp

The journal is indexed by the following databases:

ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), CEJSH, Biblioteka Nauki, BazHum, PBN/POL-IndexICI Journals Master List / ICI World of Journals, Polona (Repozytorium Cyfrowe Biblioteki Narodowej), Most Wiedzy


Studia Polonijne · ISSN 0137-5210 | eISSN 2544-526X | DOI: 10.18290/sp
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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