Published : 2024-10-22

Emancypacja kobiet by Cyprian Norwid as a project for an optimal civilisational change

Magdalena Woźniewska-Działak


The article attempts to interpret Emancypacja kobiet [The Emancipation of Women], one of Cyprian Norwid’s last texts. The author of this article claims that Emancypacja kobiet does not exclusively constitute a polemic with the views on the women’s question formulated by Bronisław Ferdinand Trentowski, nor does it constitute a purely journalistic declaration by the poet prompted by the contemporary discussion of emancipation. Norwid’s essay is treated here as the result of a profound reflection on the process of emancipation, optimal in its course, considered by the poet to be the fundamental issue of his time and a major problem of civilisational change; it is an inherent part of the model of necessary and gradually accomplished modernisation. Norwid’s criticism of the phenomena of late 19th-century reality and, at the same time, his dialogical attitude towards the key ideas of the epoch are interpreted here as a testimony to Norwid’s modernity as a thinker.


Norwid, emancipation, modernity, progress, 19th century, civilisation





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Studia Norwidiana · ISSN 0860-0562 | eISSN 2544-4433 · DOI: 10.18290/sn

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