Submission Preparation Checklist

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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • Tekst odpowiada wymogom stylistycznym i bibliograficznym określonym w Wytycznych dla Autora.
Author Guidelines
Privacy Statement

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

General Author Guidelines

  1. The editors of “Studia Norwidiana” accept only original texts, not published before and not intended for publication by other publishers.
  2. Texts for publishing are accepted all year round. The Journal is published once in a year (September/October).
  3. The acceptance of the text for print in “Studia Norwidiana” is synonymous with the transfer by the author of rights to the publication to Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, the publisher of the journal.
  4. The editors of “Studia Norwidiana” accept the texts only in electronic version (submissions by e-mail to the following addresses: or Except for iconographic works, the editors do not accept materials sent on CDs, floppy disks and other media.
  5. The articles undergo a double-blind review process. All submissions are reviewed by two independent external reviewers. The editors strive to ensure that reviewers represent other scientific centres than the authors.
  6. The editors do not return unsolicited texts.
  7. The submissions should be accompanied by a summary in Polish (up to 100 words), a list of titles of Norwid’s works and an index of names (without page numbers), a list of references and keywords, and a short bionote which should specify: workplace, correspondence and e-mail addresses, academic degree/title and affiliation, and optionally provide other important information: publications, interests, research experience (no more than 250 characters). Examples:

    Stefan Sawicki – Prof. emeritus of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, active member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU), editor-in-chief of “Dzieła wszystkie” by C. Norwid.
    Piotr Chlebowski – PhD, DLitt, assistant professor in the Institute for the Study of Cyprian Norwid’s Literature of Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), address: ul. Chopina 27/550, 20-027 Lublin; e-mail:

  8. The summary should be written in impersonal form, the text should contain a general description of the examined questions, the adopted research methodology and the most important theses of the article.
  9. The affiliation (information about the author’s workplace or institution financing the study) should be given next to the author’s name. Example: Stanisław Malinowski (Jagiellonian University).
  10. Upon submitting the text, the author of the article should provide his or her contact details (e-mail address, postal address, telephone number).
  11. In order to prevent bad practices such as “ghostwriting” and “guest autorship” in the case of articles written by more than one author, the authors are asked to carefully list all co-authors and their affiliation.
  12. The list of references of the most important works used in the article should be prepared in alphabetical order according to the authors. It should contain the names of author(s), editors, translators and the full titles of publications. Example:

    Sennett Richard. Ciało i kamień. Człowiek i miasto w cywilizacji Zachodu. Transl. by Magdalena Konikowska. Gdańsk 1996.
    Chlebowski Piotr. Dramatyczny żywioł „Quidama”. In: Eklektyzmy, synkretyzmy, uniwersa. Z estetyki dzieła epoki oświecenia i romantyzmu. Eds. Agnieszk Ziołowicz and Roman Dąbrowski. Kraków 2014, pp. 251-279.

  13. Authors should provide no more than 10 key words (including names and titles of works). Example:

    Quidam, vivid pictures, painting, narrative, plot, event, 19th-century drawing, Zenon Przesmycki, archive, Konstancja Górska, 19th-century album

  14. Optionally, the author may include in the text: information on the source of financing the research (e.g. grants); title and summary in English or in another congress language (with acknowledgement of the author of the translation). If the submitted text is a translation from a foreign language – a copyright note should be given.
  15. The author provides the illustrative material. Illustrations, tables, diagrams and graphs should be prepared in the form of separate graphic files (e.g. jpg, tif).
  16. The illustrative material cannot be made by hand. Photocopies and materials from the Internet are also not allowed. Photographs on electronic media must be prepared in the size intended for printing, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (in the jpg format).
  17. The illustrative material should be accompanied by an appropriate list with the titles of illustrations (author, title of the work) and the source from which the illustration was taken, or information that it is the author’s own work or a compilation based on work of others authors (with a precise indication of the source). The use of a borrowed iconographic material requires the inclusion of a written consent of the entity or entities holding the copyright to the original. Thus, the author is obliged to present to the editors of “Studia Norwidiana” a permission to use the illustrative materials from other publications.

Editing guidelines

  1. Words and phrases borrowed from foreign languages (including Latin and Greek) should be put in italics.
  2. Three levels of enumeration can be used: Arabic numerals, lowercase letters, dashes. After the numbers and letters use parenthesis (followed by a small letter). Individual elements of enumeration should be separated with commas or semicolons, full stop at the end of the enumeration.
  3. The following abbreviations should be used: “etc.”, “e.g.”, “i.e.”, “c.”; however, full words and phrases should be used at the end sentences: (e.g. “19th”).
  4. When used for the first time in the text, the surnames should be preceded by a full first name; in further parts of the text only the surname can be used. No initials of first names should be used in the main text (in footnotes no full names), academic titles should be omitted (they can be provided only in exceptional cases).
  5. Footnotes in the traditional format, in the page footer, numerical numbering; dotted system. Note: the Harvard system is not used.
  6. When referencing a journal, its title should be put in inverted commas using a Roman type, followed (immediately, without a comma!) by the year of publication (optionally volume and the year of publication), volume and page number. Examples:

    “Quidam”. Wokół semantyki tytułu. “Studia Norwidiana” 26: 2008 p. 11.
    Chlebowski. Romantyczne silvae rerum. O Cypriana Norwida notatkach i albumach. “Teksty Drugie” 2002 vol. 6 p. 169.

  7. When the article refers to two or more works by one author, in the footnote the initial of the name and surname of the author should be repeated, followed by the title (or its fragment) – in italics, followed by the volume (if this is a multi-volume publication) and the page number. The abbreviation “op. cit.” is not used then. Example:

    Quidam”. Wokół semantyki tytułu. “Studia Norwidiana” 26: 2008 p. 11.
     Sawicki. “Quidam” p. 11.

  8. When referring to the digital publication on the Internet, the website address followed by the date of access in brackets should be given. Example: (access date: 21 December 2012)
  9. Texts that do not meet the above requirements will not be accepted by the editors of “Studia Norwidiana”. All doubts related to the technical preparation of articles for printing can be consulted with the employees of Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL and the employees of the Institute for the Study of Cyprian Norwid’s Literature KUL.


Studia Norwidiana · ISSN 0860-0562 | eISSN 2544-4433 · DOI: 10.18290/sn

© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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