Published : 2024-10-22

Letter to Michalina Dziekońska of 19 September 1852. Legenda


The article presents a two-pronged analytical reflection on Norwid’s letter to M. Dziekońska of 19 September 1852. Firstly, it focuses on J. W. Gomulicki’s critical recognition in a fragment of this text of a poem entitled Legenda [Legend] or, as other scholars refer to it with its first line: “Oto siedzi na tronie Królowa” [“Behold the Queen sitting on her throne”]. Consequently, the suppositions put forward by editors and interpreters with regard to this fragment – poetry, poem – lead to unjustified textological implications. It refers to mistakenly treating this fragment as a separate work and including it in the corpus of Norwid’s poems. Secondly, the article tries to show that the poet’s entire letter, in spite of the editorial and research-related separation associated with its central ekphrasis, constitutes a textual whole, addressing the problem of Christian art and the Christian artist, which was important for the author of Promethidion. It could therefore be successfully categorised as one of the poet’s numerous texts using epistolary poetics, which Z. Przesmycki once classified as so-called epistolary essays.


Legenda, letter, whole, text, ekphrasis, Norwid, Dziekońska, Mater Admirabilis





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Studia Norwidiana · ISSN 0860-0562 | eISSN 2544-4433 · DOI: 10.18290/sn

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