Published : 2024-06-28

Deification: The Eternity of a Human Being in the Works of Stanisław Judycki


The article is an attempt to reconstruct Stanisław Judycki’s thoughts on human existence; according to him the main characteristic of humans is their refusal to accept finitude and death while their most basic aspiration is eternal life after death. The way for achieving this task is paved by Christianity, especially the idea of Christ’s incarnation, which reveals both the embodiment of God and the deification of human nature. Thus, it could be said that Judycki engages in a certain type of philosophical Christology, attempting to make Christianity into a rational and universal religion. The author of the article does not share Judycki’s religious and philosophical optimism and takes a stance in support of skepticism (in epistemology), materialism (in philosophical anthropology), pantheism (in metaphysics), and moral skepticism of religion (evil which exists in the world falsifies the faith in a perfectly good God). At the same time, the author admires the intellectual effort made by Stanisław Judycki, one of the most original philosophers in recent years, to rationalize the Christian faith.


Stanisław Judycki, Christianity, God, philosophia Christi, finitude, eternity





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Roczniki Filozoficzne · ISSN 0035-7685 | eISSN 2450-002X
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