
The Annals of Philosophy is the major journal of the Faculty of Philosophy at The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. It is one of the oldest philosophical journals in Poland (since 1948). It is published four times per year in both the online and traditional ways. The journal aims to publish the best original research papers in philosophy, as well as translations, reviews, accounts and polemics.

The Journal is published regularly, 4 issues per year (March, June, September, December). Articles are reviewed on an ongoing basis. 

The articles and reviews are published in Polish, English.

Aim and scope

The aim of the Annals of Philosophy is the development and exchange of new philosophical ideas. The journal publishes texts from all disciplines of philosophy. The majority of them are concern the history of philosophy (with particular emphasis on contemporary philosophy), logic in the broad sense (including analytic philosophy of language), metaphysics, ethics and philosophy of religion. The main part of each issue is taken up by original contributions written in Polish or English. In addition, we publish book discussions, reviews, translations (into Polish), reports and biographical notes. The section with book discussions has been expanded in the last years. It focuses on newly published books or essays written with an explicit purpose of stimulating a thought exchange. Renowned Polish and foreign philosophers are invited to join the discussions.

Roczniki Filozoficzne · ISSN 0035-7685 | eISSN 2450-002X
© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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