Published : 2024-10-22

The language of “late Norwid” as a research problem. Introductory remarks


This article addresses the problem of understanding the idiolect (personal language, individual language), which, contrary to the dominant tendency in the literature on the subject, should be treated as a heterogeneous and dynamic whole, changing over time. The study of selected linguistic phenomena should consider the synchronic and diachronic aspect of the idiolect – either the period from which the analysed material originates should be clearly distinguished and indicated, or the chronology of the occurrence of a given phenomenon in individual texts or corpora should be taken into account. The second part of the article analyses the problem of the chronological variation of Norwid’s idiolect and the possibilities of studying it, including in particular the issue of the possible peculiarity of the vocabulary of Norwid’s late texts.


Norwid, language of writers, idiolect, chronology, Norwid’s late works





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Studia Norwidiana · ISSN 0860-0562 | eISSN 2544-4433 · DOI: 10.18290/sn

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