Published : 2023-03-31

On Divine Hiddenness Seriously and Without Facilitation: Reply to Critics


Divine hiddenness is a problem that demands to be treated with due seriousness. One should not run away from this problem. Nor should divine hiddenness be made easy by introducing solutions that make the tension associated with the hiddenness problem disappear or be alleviated. The solution I propose in my book Źródło i noc. Wprowadzenie do współczesnego absconditeizmu [The Spring and the Night: An Introduction into Contemporary Absconditheism], which I have called absconditeism, is an attempt to deal with the problem of hiddenness in its strongest possible form. I consider this problem by also taking into account the strongest version of theism, which is referred to as classical theism. The article is a combined response to texts authored by Maciej Bała, Ryszard Mordarski and Marek Słomka. I refer to the critics appearing in the above-mentioned texts, clarify my position and present the reasons why I believe that the absconditeism I propose, which is a serious and avoiding facilitations approach to the problem of hiddenness, is the right way of addressing this issue.


Divine hiddenness, absconditheism, Revelation, science, secularization





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Roczniki Filozoficzne · ISSN 0035-7685 | eISSN 2450-002X
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