Published : 2023-09-27

On (Pre)Rationality in Ancient Thought: Notes on the Margins of a Book


The article is an extensive critical discussion of the book Przedracjonalne źródła racjonalnej refleksji filozoficznej [Pre-rational Sources of Rational Philosophical Reflection] by Jadwiga Skrzypek-Faluszczak. The critique covers the following parts of the monograph — the introduction and three chapters — and concludes by pointing out the various formal deficiencies to be found in this monograph. The reflections are not limited to the critical aspect, but present various approaches to the given issues present in the literature on the subject, not included by the author of the monograph, as well as the proposals of own original solutions.


ancient Greek philosophy, rationalism, Greek religion, Orphism, Presocratics





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Roczniki Filozoficzne · ISSN 0035-7685 | eISSN 2450-002X
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