Published : 2024-11-25

Divine AI. Artificial Intelligence and Education. Searching for New Horizons in the Educational, Theological and Technological Context – Opportunities and Threats


This article is a presentation of a short, barely two hundred-year history of the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is a prologue to considerations on the subject of the AI Deity. The authors omit the Greek myths of Hephaestus and Pygmalion, which already in ancient times presented the idea of intelligent automata, such as Talos or artificial beings Galatea and Pandora. The thoughts of Yan Shi or Aristotle, who before our era presented mechanical solutions to today’s achievements, have also been omitted. Eighteen centuries of our era are a period of development of mechanical solutions, which led in the early 19th century to the creation of the first programmable machines. Therefore, the focus is on the years 1800-2024 and a review of the development of this field of science, focusing of course on significant milestones. The entire period from before our era to today is the development of various types of religions and Deities. Therefore, the last part presents the development of religion and a discussion on whether AI will become the next Deity in the near future. The ongoing evolution has an impact on education as well as on the relational aspect between people.


artificial intelligence (AI), religion, education





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Bukowski , M., & Klonowska, I. (2024). Divine AI. Artificial Intelligence and Education. Searching for New Horizons in the Educational, Theological and Technological Context – Opportunities and Threats. Kościół I Prawo, 13(2), 151–168.

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Kościół i Prawo · ISSN 0208-7928 · e-ISSN 2544-5804 · DOI: 10.18290/kip

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