Published : 2024-11-27

Uselessness of an Expert Opinion in Cases of the Nullity of Marriage Based on Can. 1678 § 3 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law


The article attempts to answer the question: is the opinion of a court expert always necessary, or can it prove useless in certain types of cases or circumstances? It seems that there are situations from which it follows that under some circumstances the opinion of an expert will not contribute anything to the case. This is the case in reality, both when the judge is convinced of a negative sentence and when he or she is convinced of an affirmative sentence. Then the judge may waive the opinion of an expert with the proviso that this will not be detrimental to the party.


marriage, opinion, expert, nullity





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Roczniki Nauk Prawnych · ISSN 1507-7896 | eISSN 2544-5227 | DOI: 10.18290/rnp

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