Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

  1. The reviewers prepare the review by following the guidelines and completing the review form. The review form is available also here (doc. or pdf.).

  2. Reviewing is done according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education presented in the study entitled Reviewing Procedures in Science - Good Practices.

  3. The articles are sent to two independent reviewers who do not know the identity of the author (authors) of the reviewed publication. They also do not know who the other reviewer is ("double-blind review process"). When choosing reviewers, the Editorial Board considers their content-related competences as well as potential conflicts of interests.

  4. The review is done in writing and it should be completed with a definite conclusion whether to publish a given article or not. Only those articles which received two positive reviews will be published.

  5. The reviewers are obliged to reveal all circumstances that may question the reliability of the scientific research.
  6. The editorial office publishes lists of reviewers from each year along with their affiliations.

Abstracts published in the journal have a structure containing 3 basic elements: aim, method and results and are accompanied by keywords.

The minimum number of articles published in one issue: 6

Roczniki Nauk Prawnych · ISSN 1507-7896 | eISSN 2544-5227 | DOI: 10.18290/rnp

© Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II

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