Published : 2023-06-28

Philosophy of Religion through Two Lenses: Charles Hartshorne Reads Semen Frank


The article contains a comparative analysis of the thought of Russian émigré philosopher Semen Frank and one of the most prominent representatives of process philosophy and theology Charles Hartshorne. Among the points of convergence, their integral vision of reality was pointed out. Frank’s and Hartshorne’s approaches to the question of cognition of God were considered, with special attention paid to their interpretation of the ontological proof. Hartshorne was familiar with Russian thought and even wrote reviews on Zenkovsky and Lossky’s classic books on the history of Russian philosophy, where he mentioned Frank more than once. One cannot speak of the two thinkers’ influence on each other, but rather of a common philosophical heritage going back to Plato.


Semen Frank, Charles Hartshorne, process philosophy, integrality, all-unity, ontological proof





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Roczniki Filozoficzne · ISSN 0035-7685 | eISSN 2450-002X
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