Published : 2024-06-26

The Role of the Cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Pursuit of Holiness


The first cause and ultimate goal of human’s existence is God, who invites man to unity with Godself and to participate in God’s holiness. This invitation is called the universal call to holiness. One of the means helpful in realizing the pursuit of holiness is the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the aim of which is to discover God’s love for man and to respond to this love. The aim of the article is to indicate the pedagogical content of the cult of the Sacred Heart, aimed at the sanctification of man and his union with God.


Heart of Jesus, cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, holiness, vocation to holiness





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Poleszak, L. (2024). The Role of the Cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Pursuit of Holiness. Kościół I Prawo, 13(1), 149–160.

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Kościół i Prawo · ISSN 0208-7928 · e-ISSN 2544-5804 · DOI: 10.18290/kip

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